Stripe is a discontinued integration in Sendwithus. Users with an integrated Stripe account will be still able to manage their triggers, but new or existing users without an attached Stripe account are unable to use the feature.

See Stripe’s integration for a list of other invoicing providers.

How do I know if my Stripe integration worked?

When you send an email to your customers, it will show up in the Email Logs tab in the left navigation bar in your Sendwithus dashboard.

We currently do not send emails for test events or $0 charges.

What Stripe Events are supported in Sendwithus?

We currently support these three stripe events:

  • Charge Succeeded
  • Charge Failed
  • Customer Subscription Trial Will End

My Stripe integration still isn’t working, what’s going wrong?

Sendwithus requires that you use Stripe Customers to send emails

What data is available in my Stripe emails?

Whenever Sendwithus receives a Stripe event, we process the data so it’s ready for your email template. You can find out more about the data we receive at the official Stripe docs.

To access any field, such as the customer created timestamp, simply reference it as such in your template:

{{ customer.created }}

To pull out the charge amount, you can reference

{{ charge.amount }}

Here is an example of the data included in your Stripe emails:

                "subscription": {
                    "trial_end": null,
                    "current_period_end": "12/09/2014",
                    "status": "active",
                    "metadata": {},
                    "id": "sub_3RVI5cHxkZyS",
                    "start": 139163122,
                    "ended_at": null,
                    "canceled_at": null,
                    "quantity": 1,
                    "application_fee_percent": null,
                    "cancel_at_period_end": false,
                    "object": "subscription",
                    "plan": {
                        "trial_period_days": null,
                        "interval_count": 1,
                        "interval": "month",
                        "statement_description": null,
                        "amount": "$79.00",
                        "livemode": true,
                        "id": "starter_plan",
                        "object": "plan",
                        "name": "Starter Plan",
                        "metadata": {},
                        "created": 127968102,
                        "currency": "usd"
                    "current_period_start": "09/05/2019",
                    "trial_start": null,
                    "customer": "cus_1UvI43N773",
                    "discount": null
                "charge": {
                    "metadata": {},
                    "description": null,
                    "card": {
                        "address_line1": null,
                        "address_line1_check": null,
                        "fingerprint": "345",
                        "id": "card_asasJN8ViZ",
                        "last4": "1234",
                        "address_zip": null,
                        "address_country": null,
                        "type": "Visa",
                        "customer": "cus_d1Uv111I12573",
                        "exp_month": 3,
                        "brand": "Visa",
                        "funding": "credit",
                        "object": "card",
                        "name": "",
                        "cvc_check": null,
                        "address_zip_check": null,
                        "address_line2": null,
                        "address_state": null,
                        "address_city": null,
                        "country": "US",
                        "exp_year": 2012
                    "paid": true,
                    "currency": "usd",
                    "amount_refunded": 0,
                    "failure_code": null,
                    "created": "11/05/2014",
                    "amount": "$49.00",
                    "refunds": [],
                    "id": "ch_4uAxYvB23iW",
                    "customer": "cus_1Uv3JhN773",
                    "dispute": null,
                    "receipt_email": null,
                    "receipt_number": "123-4567",
                    "failure_message": null,
                    "balance_transaction": "txn_4uAxu1cC",
                    "captured": true,
                    "livemode": true,
                    "object": "charge",
                    "statement_description": null,
                    "refunded": false,
                    "invoice": "in_42u9wGd75rafhu6X"
                "invoice": {
                    "charge": "ch_sd",
                    "metadata": {},
                    "next_payment_attempt": null,
                    "description": null,
                    "period_end": "10/07/2019",
                    "forgiven": false,
                    "ending_balance": 0,
                    "paid": true,
                    "date": "10/05/2014",
                    "attempt_count": 1,
                    "closed": true,
                    "currency": "usd",
                    "amount_due": 4900,
                    "total": "$49.00",
                    "subtotal": "$79.00",
                    "webhooks_delivered_at": 1412540959,
                    "customer": "cusjsk",
                    "subscription": "subjkd",
                    "attempted": true,
                    "id": "4u9wG75rafhu6X",
                    "lines": {
                        "total_count": 1,
                        "has_more": false,
                        "data": [
                                "quantity": 1,
                                "currency": "usd",
                                "metadata": {},
                                "period": {
                                    "start": "10/05/2014",
                                    "end": "11/05/2014"
                                "description": null,
                                "id": "sub_3RVI5jgcHekZyS",
                                "amount": "$79.00",
                                "livemode": true,
                                "type": "subscription",
                                "object": "line_item",
                                "proration": false,
                                "plan": {
                                    "trial_period_days": null,
                                    "interval_count": 1,
                                    "interval": "month",
                                    "statement_description": null,
                                    "amount": 700,
                                    "livemode": true,
                                    "id": "starter_plan",
                                    "object": "plan",
                                    "name": "Starter Plan",
                                    "metadata": {},
                                    "created": 1379968402,
                                    "currency": "usd"
                        "object": "list",
                        "count": 1,
                        "url": "/lines"
                    "discount": {
                        "end": null,
                        "start": 1391632061,
                        "coupon": {
                            "currency": "usd",
                            "duration": "forever",
                            "created": 1391632023,
                            "metadata": {},
                            "amount_off": 3000,
                            "redeem_by": null,
                            "livemode": true,
                            "max_redemptions": 1,
                            "times_redeemed": 1,
                            "object": "coupon",
                            "id": "swu",
                            "valid": false,
                            "percent_off": null,
                            "duration_in_months": null
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                        "subscription": null,
                        "object": "discount"
                    "receipt_number": null,
                    "livemode": true,
                    "starting_balance": 0,
                    "object": "invoice",
                    "period_start": "09/05/2099",
                    "statement_description": null,
                    "application_fee": null
                "customer": {
                    "account_balance": 0,
                    "subscription": {
                        "trial_end": null,
                        "current_period_end": "12/05/2099",
                        "status": "active",
                        "metadata": {},
                        "id": "sub_3RVIcHekZyS",
                        "start": 1391632122,
                        "ended_at": null,
                        "canceled_at": null,
                        "quantity": 1,
                        "application_fee_percent": null,
                        "cancel_at_period_end": false,
                        "object": "subscription",
                        "plan": {
                            "trial_period_days": null,
                            "interval_count": 1,
                            "interval": "month",
                            "statement_description": null,
                            "amount": "$79.00",
                            "livemode": true,
                            "id": "TEST ITEM",
                            "object": "plan",
                            "name": "TEST ITEM",
                            "metadata": {},
                            "created": 1379968402,
                            "currency": "usd"
                        "current_period_start": "10/05/2014",
                        "trial_start": null,
                        "customer": "",
                        "discount": null
                    "currency": "usd",
                    "created": 1363821390,
                    "id": "cus_1UvIqVR3JhN773",
                    "description": "Some Person",
                    "default_card": "card_4elvzRJN8ViZ",
                    "subscriptions": {
                        "total_count": 1,
                        "has_more": false,
                        "data": [
                                "trial_end": null,
                                "current_period_end": 1415219322,
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                                "metadata": {},
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                                "plan": {
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                                    "interval_count": 1,
                                    "interval": "month",
                                    "statement_description": null,
                                    "amount": 700,
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                                    "object": "plan",
                                    "name": "Starter",
                                    "metadata": {},
                                    "created": 137968402,
                                    "currency": "usd"
                                "current_period_start": 1412514922,
                                "trial_start": null,
                                "customer": "1294874",
                                "discount": null
                        "object": "list",
                        "count": 1,
                        "url": "/test"
                    "email": "",
                    "cards": {
                        "total_count": 1,
                        "has_more": false,
                        "data": [
                                "address_line1": null,
                                "address_line1_check": null,
                                "fingerprint": "Xo1UO6gnlESdE",
                                "id": "card_4elvzR8ViZ",
                                "last4": "5602",
                                "address_zip": null,
                                "address_country": null,
                                "type": "Visa",
                                "customer": "cus_1IqV3Jh2N773",
                                "exp_month": 8,
                                "brand": "Visas",
                                "funding": "credit",
                                "object": "card",
                                "name": "Some Bloke",
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                                "address_state": null,
                                "address_city": null,
                                "country": "CA",
                                "exp_year": 2012
                        "object": "list",
                        "count": 1,
                        "url": "/v13/cards"
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                    "object": "customer",
                    "delinquent": false,
                    "metadata": {},
                    "discount": {
                        "end": null,
                        "start": 1491632061,
                        "coupon": {
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                            "duration": "forever",
                            "created": 131632023,
                            "metadata": {},
                            "amount_off": 1000,
                            "redeem_by": null,
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                            "object": "coupon",
                            "id": "test_discount",
                            "valid": false,
                            "percent_off": null,
                            "duration_in_months": null
                        "customer": "cus_vddIqVR3JhN2773",
                        "subscription": null,
                        "object": "discount"