Where do I find Sendwithus in my Dashboard?
Sendwithus settings can be found under the System menu in Transactional Emails. API settings are found in System->Configuration. See the slide show below for screenshots!
How do I use Magento variables in my email?
In Sendwithus the template is king. First you will need to set up a template and then use our templating language (Jinja) to access the variables passed by Magento. After your template is set up, make sure to associate the Magento action with sending that template.
For a run down on how templating works in Sendwithus visit our Email Templating Guide. To see the type of data you have access to in Magento, check out the example below.
How do I make a new user confirmation link in a template?
Confirmation links need to be built out of three variables:
<a href="{{ store.url }}customer/account/confirm/?id={{ customer.entity_id }}&key={{ customer.confirmation }}">confirm account</a>
What Magento data do I have access to in my templates?
Sendwithus uses slightly different variable syntax than the Magento system. Below is a full list of data available for a “Order Shipped” email.
The best way to get access to this data is to send a test email from Magento, view the Log for it in Sendwithus (on the “Logs” page), and then click the “data” tab to see what data was sent with the API request.
The following is an example for an “Order Shipped” email.
"shipping": {
"vat_is_valid": null,
"updated_at": "2015-05-08 17:25:03",
"customer_address_id": "1",
"fax": null,
"company": null,
"region_id": null,
"vat_id": null,
"vat_request_date": null,
"email": "myemail@mycompany.com",
"middlename": null,
"suffix": null,
"prefix": null,
"parent_id": "2275",
"city": "San Francisco",
"region": "San Francisco",
"created_at": "2015-05-08 17:25:03",
"telephone": "1234",
"customer_id": "22",
"store_id": null,
"vat_request_success": null,
"address_type": "shipping",
"lastname": "MyLastName",
"postcode": "1234",
"entity_id": "4547",
"street": "1234 A Street",
"country_id": "USA",
"vat_request_id": null,
"firstname": "MyFirstName"
"payment_html": "<p>this will be a block of HTMl generated by Magento</p>",
"order": {
"cod_tax_amount": "0.0000",
"customer_dob": null,
"base_to_global_rate": "1.0000",
"total_due": null,
"customer_email": "myemail@company.com",
"real_order_id": null,
"customer_suffix": null,
"cod_tax_amount_canceled": null,
"payment_charge": null,
"tracking_numbers": null,
"shipping_canceled": null,
"grand_total": "1649.0000",
"store_to_order_rate": "1.0000",
"relation_parent_id": null,
"subtotal": "1549.0000",
"forced_shipment_with_invoice": null,
"total_qty_ordered": "1.0000",
"base_payment_charge": null,
"base_cod_fee_invoiced": null,
"base_hidden_tax_refunded": null,
"customer_gender": "1",
"hidden_tax_invoiced": null,
"discount_amount": "0.0000",
"base_to_order_rate": "1.0000",
"base_discount_invoiced": null,
"forced_do_shipment_with_invoice": null,
"cod_fee_invoiced": null,
"ebizmarts_abandonedcart_flag": null,
"applied_rule_ids": null,
"base_subtotal_refunded": null,
"total_online_refunded": null,
"store_name": "My Store",
"customer_is_guest": "0",
"shipping_refunded": null,
"base_shipping_tax_refunded": null,
"base_cod_tax_amount": "0.0000",
"hidden_tax_refunded": null,
"entity_id": "1",
"base_extracharge_amount_refunded": "0.00",
"adjustment_negative": null,
"discount_description": null,
"custbalance_amount": null,
"tax_invoiced": null,
"customer_taxvat": null,
"quote_id": "1",
"relation_parent_real_id": null,
"shipping_invoiced": null,
"customer_note": null,
"customer_middlename": null,
"can_ship_partially_item": null,
"shipping_description": "Shipment via FedEx (Estimated Dispatch time 4 - 7 Days) - Free Shipping",
"base_total_online_refunded": null,
"gift_message_id": null,
"extracharge_amount_refunded": "0.00",
"base_shipping_canceled": null,
"total_canceled": null,
"total_item_count": "1",
"increment_id": "1432016213",
"hold_before_state": null,
"quote_address_id": null,
"shipping_address_id": "4547",
"base_cod_tax_amount_canceled": null,
"extracharge_amount_invoiced": "0.00",
"shipping_incl_tax": "0.0000",
"base_shipping_refunded": null,
"total_invoiced": null,
"base_total_qty_ordered": null,
"ebizmarts_magemonkey_campaign_id": null,
"currency_code": null,
"can_ship_partially": null,
"extracharge_amount": "0.00",
"base_cod_tax_amount_invoiced": null,
"payment_authorization_amount": null,
"base_cod_fee_canceled": null,
"base_cod_fee_refunded": null,
"order_currency_code": "USD",
"shipping_amount": "0.0000",
"base_subtotal_incl_tax": "1549.0000",
"x_forwarded_for": null,
"edit_increment": null,
"customer_lastname": "MyLastName",
"base_total_offline_refunded": null,
"base_discount_canceled": null,
"billing_address_id": "4546",
"cod_fee_canceled": null,
"discount_invoiced": null,
"cod_fee_refunded": null,
"subtotal_invoiced": null,
"payment_authorization_expiration": null,
"customer_firstname": "MyFirstName",
"base_shipping_amount": "0.0000",
"base_shipping_hidden_tax_amount": "0.0000",
"base_extracharge_amount": "0.00",
"ext_order_id": null,
"currency_rate": null,
"ext_customer_id": null,
"hold_before_status": null,
"base_cod_tax_amount_refunded": null,
"is_virtual": "0",
"tax_canceled": null,
"shipping_tax_amount": "0.0000",
"customer_note_notify": "1",
"remote_ip": "",
"email_sent": false,
"base_adjustment_negative": null,
"cod_tax_amount_invoiced": null,
"base_total_invoiced": null,
"kr_reference_id": "3569202413",
"discount_canceled": null,
"base_shipping_invoiced": null,
"updated_at": "2015-05-08 17:25:12",
"base_total_invoiced_cost": null,
"created_at": "2015-05-08 17:25:03",
"base_total_paid": null,
"subtotal_refunded": null,
"base_shipping_tax_amount": "0.0000",
"base_tax_invoiced": null,
"relation_child_id": null,
"total_paid": null,
"customer_prefix": null,
"tax_refunded": null,
"subtotal_incl_tax": "1549.0000",
"shipping_hidden_tax_amount": "0.0000",
"store_id": "1",
"base_shipping_discount_amount": "0.0000",
"base_adjustment_positive": null,
"cod_fee": "100.0000",
"shipping_method": "freeshipping_freeshipping",
"base_total_canceled": null,
"adjustment_positive": null,
"base_hidden_tax_amount": "0.0000",
"store_currency_code": "USD",
"base_currency_code": "USD",
"base_hidden_tax_invoiced": null,
"base_grand_total": "1649.0000",
"protect_code": "1a1",
"base_tax_canceled": null,
"base_custbalance_amount": null,
"customer_id": "22",
"subtotal_canceled": null,
"tax_percent": null,
"base_tax_amount": "0.0000",
"customer_group_id": "1",
"base_total_due": null,
"base_subtotal": "1549.0000",
"original_increment_id": null,
"total_offline_refunded": null,
"state": "new",
"coupon_rule_name": null,
"base_extracharge_amount_invoiced": "0.00",
"cod_tax_amount_refunded": null,
"relation_child_real_id": null,
"is_multi_payment": null,
"paypal_ipn_customer_notified": null,
"base_discount_amount": "0.0000",
"global_currency_code": "INR",
"shipping_tax_refunded": null,
"base_shipping_hidden_tax_amnt": "0.0000",
"base_subtotal_invoiced": null,
"is_hold": null,
"currency_base_id": null,
"base_subtotal_canceled": null,
"base_total_refunded": null,
"status": "pending",
"base_discount_refunded": null,
"discount_refunded": null,
"total_refunded": null,
"tax_amount": "0.0000",
"base_tax_refunded": null,
"payment_auth_expiration": null,
"coupon_code": null,
"hidden_tax_amount": "0.0000",
"shipping_discount_amount": "0.0000",
"base_cod_fee": "100.0000",
"weight": "500.0000",
"base_shipping_incl_tax": "0.0000",
"store_to_base_rate": "1.0000"
"billing": {
"vat_is_valid": null,
"updated_at": "2015-05-08 17:25:03",
"customer_address_id": "1",
"fax": null,
"company": null,
"region_id": null,
"vat_id": null,
"vat_request_date": null,
"email": "myemail@company.com",
"middlename": null,
"suffix": null,
"prefix": null,
"parent_id": "1",
"city": "San Francisco",
"region": "San Francisco",
"created_at": "2015-05-08 17:25:03",
"telephone": "9654583564",
"customer_id": "1",
"store_id": null,
"vat_request_success": null,
"address_type": "billing",
"lastname": "MYLastName",
"postcode": "1234",
"entity_id": "4546",
"street": "1234 A Street",
"country_id": "IN",
"vat_request_id": null,
"firstname": "FirstName"
"order_items": [
"base_price_incl_tax": 1549,
"is_virtual": "0",
"gift_message_available": "0",
"is_qty_decimal": "0",
"gift_message_id": null,
"row_weight": 500,
"base_row_total_incl_tax": 1549,
"base_tax_amount": 0,
"is_recurring": "0",
"base_weee_tax_applied_row_amnt": 0,
"discount_percent": 0,
"weee_tax_applied_amount": 0,
"original_price": 1549,
"tax_percent": 0,
"product_type": "simple",
"is_nominal": 0,
"updated_at": "2015-05-08 17:25:03",
"tax_before_discount": null,
"base_tax_before_discount": null,
"qty_ordered": 1,
"name": "Name of item",
"created_at": "2015-05-08 17:25:03",
"product_id": "658",
"applied_rule_ids": "",
"base_discount_amount": 0,
"product": {},
"base_cost": null,
"price_incl_tax": 1549,
"weee_tax_applied_row_amount": 0,
"order_id": "2275",
"quote_parent_item_id": null,
"store_id": "1",
"row_total": 1549,
"weee_tax_disposition": 0,
"item_id": "2822",
"additional_data": null,
"base_weee_tax_applied_row_amount": 0,
"row_total_incl_tax": 1549,
"description": null,
"tax_amount": 0,
"base_weee_tax_disposition": 0,
"base_weee_tax_applied_amount": 0,
"discount_amount": 0,
"weee_tax_applied": "a:0:{}",
"base_weee_tax_row_disposition": 0,
"base_hidden_tax_amount": 0,
"product_options": {
"info_buyRequest": {
"isCart": "0",
"qty": "1",
"related_product": "",
"options": {
"1149": "3573",
"1076": "3345",
"1077": "3350"
"uenc": "1234,",
"form_key": "1235aaa",
"product": "658"
"options": [
"custom_view": false,
"value": "XX-Large",
"option_id": "1076",
"print_value": "XX-Large",
"option_value": "3345",
"option_type": "drop_down",
"label": "Girls"
"custom_view": false,
"value": "XX-Large",
"option_id": "1077",
"print_value": "XX-Large",
"option_value": "3350",
"option_type": "drop_down",
"label": "Guys"
"custom_view": false,
"value": "Navy Blue",
"option_id": "1149",
"print_value": "Navy Blue",
"option_value": "3573",
"option_type": "drop_down",
"label": "Color"
"sku": "1234",
"base_original_price": 1549,
"hidden_tax_amount": 0,
"price": 1549,
"weee_tax_row_disposition": 0,
"qty_backordered": null,
"tax_string": null,
"base_price": 1549,
"quote_item_id": "9635",
"weight": "500.0000",
"base_row_total": 1549
"magento_action": "1",
"store": {
"do_not_round_et": false,
"available_currency_codes": [
"sort_order": "0",
"base_currency": {
"currency_code": "USD"
"store_id": "1",
"code": "default",
"url": "http://www.mystore.com/",
"name": "English",
"website_id": "1",
"group_id": "1",
"is_active": "1",
"current_currency": {
"currency_code": "INR"
"frontName": "My Store"