Sendwithus stores email logs for 7 days on the Basic plan and 30 days for the Lite plan before deleting them. This means when searching through the Email Logs page, using the API to retrieve a log, or viewing emails sent to a customer on a Customer’s page, logs older than your plan’s data retention policy will not be available.

Basic 7 Days
Lite 30 Days
Premium Customizable

Storing logs with Webhook Relay

Webhooks come from your ESP (Email Service Provider) and contain relevant data about your email events. You can direct these webhooks to an endpoint of your own with Sendwithus’ Webhook Relay, which adds additional Sendwithus specific data to each webhook. This way you can receive webhooks for storage in your own data warehouse and keep log data longer than your data retention policy.

Can older logs be restored?

No, logs older than your data retention policy are removed from Sendwithus and cannot be restored.

Are custom data retention policies available?

Custom data retention policies are available on annual Sendwithus contracts. Reach out to the Sendwithus accounts team to learn more.